Retiring GWNB Digital marketplace

AFter mutliple attempts to rebrand and figure out how i want to present my work to fans and customers.. i have decided to get rid of GWNBSTORE and house everything under What does this mean for you? nothing if you already go to to access the forum. If you bookmarked domain will expire on December 20th. So get used to useing and the site will slowly transisiton while still staying funtional. logins and download history and forum access will remain the same.

there is potential for a subscriptiong based site in the future. but fo now, paid content will be purchsaeble individualy.

Another thing that is going to change is that to purchase from the store a Login WILL be required. So if you want to see whats available and or uprchaes and download. you must either sign up or login. the upside of this , is that you get to see your order history and re-download items with in the expiration date.