been a while since I touched base with an update. a lot of people have been complaining about issues with the free videos and a few people have had issues downloading purchased videos. the 2 problems are somewhat related as the file hosting I was using is less than perfect. I have just implemented a new dedicated video host to fix both issues…new free videos have been added to test this out and over time I will be moving older videos both free and for sale to the new host.
Whats also new in the free video section, is that by clicking on the title (not the thumbnail)it will take you to a page where you can read and post comments on the video. just like youtube! would love to get some feedback as some of those videos haven’t been seen in a long time or haven’t been seen before!
As always, thanks for all your support and continue to contact me via the forum,DM, email or Discord with any suggestions, requessts or support issues.