if anyone had issues with this video once downloaded, contact me and I’ll reopen your order to download the fixed version.
Month: January 2025
Old videos re-released in HD
Changes to free videos and photos and Patreon
In effort to provide more updates on a consistent basis, i have moved all the photos and videos from the media gallery to Patreon subscription. Now you can subscribe to our subscriber tier to see all of them plus i will be adding new content periodically each month!.
Currently there are no new photo or video updates on this site but that will be changing soon. If you subscribe today, you can see what’s been posted exclusively over at http://patreon.com/girlswithnobrakes. Throughout the month i plan to start mirroring the updates so that they are accessible both on GWNB AND on Patreon. with only certain perks available exclusively on Patreon. But for now, Go to our patreon page to see ALL of the perks each subscriber tier gets you!
Camille in flats in 4k
another 4k video available in the patreon shop
Brandy barefoot in 4k
added another 4k upscale to the patreon shop.
4k videos
trying something new exclusie to patreon. 4k videos! added 2 videos to the patreon shop that have been upscaled in 4k 60FPS. let me know what you think if if i should do more. don’t for get super VIP gets all videos in the shop for free! rest of the tiers get it at a discount.
Some housekeeping and price changes. :(
First , I want to give a heartfelt than you to all paid subscribers.
Second, i admit i have not been on top of updates and providing you all with the right perks on monthly basis. I plan to do much better going forward. I have once again re-worked the tiers and the perks so they will be easier to manage.
Unfortunately, to make sure i am profitable in 2025 i have also had to change the prices as well.
Prices and perks are now as follows:
Tier 1. Supporter- 10 dollars.
–Â 1 new photo set per month,
–Â Early access to freebies, BTS an WIP of recent shoots and current projects.
–Â plus a 50% discount on all items in the store. (Patreon Shop only)
Tier 2. VIP. – 20 dollars
 – same as Supporter tier with the addition of:
-1 free streaming video per month,
–Â ability to request the next photo set (model and or footwear) to be posted.
Tier 3. Super VIP -30 dollars.
 -All perks of previous tiers Plus
-100% automatic discount for downloads in the Patreon shop.
–Â Ability to request the next streaming video .
For current subscribers these changes will not take affect until after your next payment. so you get one more month at the old price. What this means is, if you have not yet been charged this month (December), you will be charged old price and will NOT be charged the new amount until NEXT month. January.
If you HAVEÂ been charged this month, you will not pay the amount until February.
Bella Bikini BF preview
You guys get it first! a preview of a fast driving/BF with Bella wearin g a bikni. a good chunk of the USA is in bitter cold and snow right now…hopefully this warms y’all up. visit the shop to buy the full video. full video in the shop is Free to VIP and SUPER VIP and discounted for Supporters.
Brandy in distress
subscribe to see the rest of these photos! think i’ll make this one to hew GWNB cover photo
Brandy Crank Tease (shoe slip off)
Did someone ask for her to slip her shoes off?? this and another alternate version are on the way!