
as some of you know I expired the gwnbstore domain a while back. That may have been a bad idea because, once it left my ownership, that domain has been taken over by malicious websites. that means any outdated links or bookmarks will take you there and put you at risk. I apologize for this if it happens to you. I have made considerable effort to go through the site and delete the old links but I more than likely have missed a few. if you encounter this, please back out of that malicious site and shoot me an email to let me know where this link is so I can fix it. also, update any bookmarks you have and remember to ONLY use


I just want to say that I appreciate all those who support this site by purchasing clips and giving feedback. comments and reviews are more than welcome, whether positive or negative. however, please do not include requests for “next time” or “wish she was wearing something else ” type of comments on store clips. that is not helpful.

first, I will not take requests in that form. if you want to see something, in particular, there is only 1 way it can happen. And that is a Custom video that you must pay for to be shot via your specifications.

Second, a review is for you to tell us why you liked or didn’t like a clip that you chose to watch…so if a clip is shown in the preview to not contain your favorite footwear, outfit, or scenario ..then why purchase it in the first place?? So don’t buy the clip and then say that wish it was something else. unless of course, I mislead you in some way …..

note: until further notice, there are no custom videos requests being accepted. I will still take suggestions via direct contact; I just may have a pre-shot video that fits what you are looking for. But keep in mind there are no promises if or when it will be done.

New Old videos

A lot of people have been asking about videos that were once on the site for sale in the past but are no longer available. I’ve been working behind the scenes to bring many of them back. some will be upscaled in 1080P, while others will just be reuploaded as their original quality. If you are looking for one in particular and do not see it, drop me a line and perhaps i can tell you the status of it.

Things that annoy me

Just a small rant, not directed at anyone in particular. I’m a busy person. between life, this website, and creating videos, trying to take care of my health and the health of my elderly parents…. there is never a time when I’m bored. never. in fact, I have not been bored in almost 6 years. more often than not my downtime is spent recovering..worried about the next thing i need to get done. Leisure time is a luxury..usually comes after 10 pm. i sleep at 2 or 3am so that means I really only have 4 hours to play video games or just relax. and truth be told often I spend that time working on website stuff.

I say all this to say, I get really annoyed when people ask me about future videos. Custom videos are one thing, but on occasion, I get fans asking me about videos that I’m working on, videos I’m not working on, videos that are already done that were removed for a reason, website updates, etc etc. it aggravating mostly because I really really do enjoy talking to fans and I really want to do stuff that people want. I just can’t. I can’t simply stop everything I’m doing and focus on what someone else suggests or wants. I am not currently accepting custom videos and I’m not currently shooting new videos. but I AM trying to maintain GWNB, put out technical and support fires, and edit hundreds of videos (yes I said hundreds) that have been shot over the past 6 or 7 years and were never seen before. its is very likely that not all of them will ever see the light of day. but if you are patient with me and allow me to work at my own pace I promise you will see a lot of them. some with favorite models from the past videos, some with never before seen models . There is virtually no reason to ask about future videos other than curiosity. nothing anyone says is going to make anything happen outside of my current plans.

all that said, I really appreciate all of my fans, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. It’s the one thing that keeps me going when i feel like quitting. so..thanks. just…don’t asked me nothing about it! just kidding. i am open to chat as many of you have done. i am open to answering questions. just keep these things in mind when you do. Thanks peeps

Charge Backs

If you have trouble downloading a clip, please DO NOT I repeat DO NOT file a dispute or a chargeback. This will not help you get your clips. In fact, it will prevent you from doing so ever again.
This recently happened where a customer had some issues downloading. I admit My mistake was using an outdated link…something I can easily fix. But instead of contacting me directly, he went to PayPal (my CC processor) and filed a dispute. Despite me correcting the issue and giving him alternate download links, Paypal ruled in his favor because I could not prove it, and debited the funds. The customer was able to download the videos as well as get his money back. good for him, bad for me, and bad for future videos being released. It makes me unhappy. So from now on, if anyone decides to go this route without first seeking resolution from me, their account will be disabled and they will be banned from future purchases. if you want to support. the correct way to get help is to email using the Contact Form. use the correct email address to receive a prompt response.

Login to Checkout

Due to certain individuals purchasing clips and turning around and uploading them to YouTube for other to see for free (for reasons that are beyond my comprehension) I have decided to implement a new restriction. you MUST now have an active account in good standing to check out and purchase clips. So for those who are used to browsing the site as a guest, jut know that if you add clips to your cart you will get an error when attempting to check out. If you are not signed in please make sure to create an account. If you have trouble with your password or account creation, use the contact form to open a support ticket. Thanks.

New shoots for 2021

Welp, Year later, after pain and tragedy, to new vaccines and new hope for the future, I have once again begun shooting new videos. Just completed a shoot with these 2 ladies. Kayla and Kilee. Kayla, you may know from other videos and is a regular GWNB model. Her friend Kilee however is brand new to modeling and acting. Here is Kayla and Kilee. Videos coming soon.

First blog post

Whatsup Peeps. It’s ya boy Spyder. Trying this again… have been wanting to start a blog or podcast where I talk about things on my mind. pedal pumping, filmmaking, photography dealing with models, dealing with mental health, the foot fetish community, the content creation industry…. and just everything pertaining to what I do here with GWNB. The podcast and live streams of productions in progress are still in the works. I will see how this goes first. If I can get into a rhythm and not slack off too much.

and yes still working on new videos, remasters of old videos, and in the process of updating the website with some other new content!