New Refund Policy!

in 2022 GWNB will no longer offer refunds on any purchases. What will happen instead is that you will be given a credit toward the next purchase. The reason for this is some people have a tendency to make the same purchase repeatedly then ask for refunds. this would be fine except the fees I pay for each transaction arent returned to me…I cannot simply reverse the transaction. that means that for every refund, I am losing $1.50 on average. money that would not be lost had the transaction never taken place. Truthfully, There is already a no refund policy in place that was not really enforced because I was just being nice. but from now on that will change. before checkout make sure you only purchased 1 copy of a clip. and if you have any issues downloading DO NOT .. I repeat DO NOT purchase it again. contact me via the contact form and I will help you.

Morgana and Gremlin videos

I originally conceived GWNB as a place for other creators to monetize their content. Well, The time has come to drop this idea due to the cost and effort of maintaining this idea. Overall it has not been as successful as originally hoped. It’s been a fun ride, but sadly, like all things, it must come to an end. GWNB will remain open and exclusively feature videos produced by GWNB films. I’d like to thank Morgana and Gremlin for participating and I fully support their ventures going forward.

Clip issues

I discovered 2 recent videos in the store were not downloading correctly. I have fixed the problem, but ..and I cannot stress this enough, Do NOT post issues you have with downloading purchased clips on the forum. This will only delay you getting your clip. Due to unforeseeable issues with how my store handles filenames, sometimes it throws an error when attempting to download. it’s not common but it does happen. therefore whenever you purchase a clip and have an issue it is imperative that you contact me directly either via the contact form and tell me what clip you bought and what issue you are having. doing it any other way is counterproductive and will just leave you waiting for longer.


as some of you know I expired the gwnbstore domain a while back. That may have been a bad idea because, once it left my ownership, that domain has been taken over by malicious websites. that means any outdated links or bookmarks will take you there and put you at risk. I apologize for this if it happens to you. I have made considerable effort to go through the site and delete the old links but I more than likely have missed a few. if you encounter this, please back out of that malicious site and shoot me an email to let me know where this link is so I can fix it. also, update any bookmarks you have and remember to ONLY use

Charge Backs

If you have trouble downloading a clip, please DO NOT I repeat DO NOT file a dispute or a chargeback. This will not help you get your clips. In fact, it will prevent you from doing so ever again.
This recently happened where a customer had some issues downloading. I admit My mistake was using an outdated link…something I can easily fix. But instead of contacting me directly, he went to PayPal (my CC processor) and filed a dispute. Despite me correcting the issue and giving him alternate download links, Paypal ruled in his favor because I could not prove it, and debited the funds. The customer was able to download the videos as well as get his money back. good for him, bad for me, and bad for future videos being released. It makes me unhappy. So from now on, if anyone decides to go this route without first seeking resolution from me, their account will be disabled and they will be banned from future purchases. if you want to support. the correct way to get help is to email using the Contact Form. use the correct email address to receive a prompt response.

A mistake in recent Video Title

just a heads up to those who purchased Bad Mechanic 4. it should actually be titled Bad Mechanic 5. You may notice only Bad Mechanic 1, and 2 were previously released. The reason we are on 5 now is there are actually 2 other videos shot ..featuring Camilla and Sophie respectively. Expect to see those out in the near future. In the meantime, you may want to rename your file so that when the true Bad Mechanic 4 comes out, it does not cause a conflict or confusion. But if you don’t’ care it is fine either way. 🙂

Site name changes

JUst a reminder that GWNBstore is going away and in its place, will be JUST some of you my have already noticed some minor change happening. with the site logo, and certain features appearing. GWNBSTORE will be accessible until December. After that the only way to reach the site will be though through set your bookmarks now!

stuck-girls and mini-sites

I have created mini-site for going to takes you to a subsection of GWNB dedicated to stuck in glue fetish. All stuck videos can be found there for sale plus pics and a dedicated forum. The same logins and user accounts work for both sites. This is part of a bigger plan to include more mini-sites while making sure they are all secure and accessible by the same users as GWNBSTORE. the emphasis for the main site will still be pedal pumping and brake failure, but will also act as a hub for all other content as well.